
雪梨是個美麗城市,歌劇院,港灣大橋,壯闊的雪梨港,幾乎是澳洲的代名詞。雪梨的美當然不只限於觀光景點,深度的街道探索才能細細品味,但是雪梨腹地遼闊,要走遍是不可能的任務吧!在搜尋資料的偶然間,發現了這一個網站,Walk Sydney Streets,一位名叫 Alan Waddell的老先生,從 2003年到 2008年九月,在94歲高齡結束人生旅程之前,每天不間斷地,走遍雪梨 291區的每一條街道,拍下 2900多張照片,紀錄漫步街頭的動人時刻。

Alan Waddell  

照片來源:Walk Sydney Streets


Alan也分享了他在 2007年接受專訪的內容,介紹關於走遍雪梨街頭的緣起與感想,我節錄其中部份讓大家參考

When did you start walking? 您何時開始的?

My wife, Marjorie, and I did short bush walks together for some years before her health failed. I started walking the suburbs in January 2003 在我妻子 Marjorie身體健康還沒變差,我們一起散步了好幾年。我自己是從 2003年一月開始走。

What gave you the idea to walk suburbs? 什麼念頭讓你想走遍雪梨?

When my wife of 60 years died in November 2002, I knew that I had to somehow keep going. I started walking some streets in my home suburb, but soon found this a little boring and switched to neighbouring suburbs. It just grew from there. 我太太在 2002年 11月過世,我知道我必須走下去。我開始在家附近的街道走,但很快覺得無趣,就改到附近郊區走,就這麼開始了。

How often do you walk and for how long? 你多常走?走多久?

I walk every day unless it is too hot or too wet. Perhaps I miss about 30 days a year. My average walking time would be 85 minutes, including a one-minute stop every seven minutes to let my leg aneurysm catch up. For May 2005, my pedometer showed an average walk of 4.1km per day, but now my average is just under 3km a day. 我每天走,除非天氣太熱太潮濕。一年大概只有一個月沒走。一次平均走 85分鐘,包括每 7分鐘休息一分鐘,讓腳動脈瘤能跟上。2005年五月,我的記步器顯示平均一天走 4.1公里,不過現在(2007)一天不到三公里

Do you feel safe walking around Sydney streets? 你覺得走在雪梨街頭安全嗎?

I’ve never felt threatened. This doesn’t mean that a threat or assault won’t happen some day, but 5,000km of incident-free walking suggests that Sydney compares well as a safe city. 我從來不覺得有什麼安全上的威脅,這也不表示哪天不會遇上,不過走了 5000公里都沒事,雪梨算是個安全的城市吧!

Do you have a back-up crew? 你有後援團隊嗎?

One of my sons drives me to the suburb I’m doing and if there is a steep hill, he drives me to the top and I walk back down. Another son created and maintains the web site. 我一個兒子載我到要走的區域,如果那裡有陡坡,他會載我到高處讓我走下來。另一個兒子幫我維護網站。

How do you keep track of what you’ve done?你如何紀錄已完成的進度?

My son types the name of every street, lane, park path, etc on the computer and plots a course. As each street is finished, it is deleted from the list of what is still to be done and it is highlighted on the street directory map.我兒子把每一條街道,公園小徑輸入電腦,規劃路線。走完一條街,就從街道名單上劃掉,在地圖上做記號。

You don't seem to walk in alphabetical or area order. What determines where you walk? 您好像不是按照字母順序走,怎麼決定哪裡走呢?

I like to have quite a few suburbs in progress at any one time for variety. In the hot months I do coastal suburbs to get the sea breeze. On fine days or at times of the year when I don't have much else happening I do distant suburbs. If there are things that must be done that day or I have an appointment that I must get back for, I do closer suburbs. The nearest ones to home I do on rainy days so that if I get wet it's not long before I can get home to change into dry clothes. On weekends I usually do industrial areas and highways or other busy roads. 我喜歡不同個區域多頭進行,才有變化。天氣熱的時候走海邊吹海風,天氣好的時候就去遠一點地方走。如果當天有事或者有約要趕回來,我就走近一點的地方。下雨的時候就在家附近走,在回家換上乾衣服前不至於淋太多雨。週末的時候,我通常走工業區,高速公路,或是繁忙的街道走。


後記:這是我兩年前(18/03/2015)寫的文章,回顧舊文,也發現 Alan爺爺的網頁一直有在更新,不斷地有新照片貼上來,瀏覽 Walk Sydney Streets 就像在雪梨散步一樣。這兩年來,我開始參加路跑,也養成在自家附近慢跑的習慣,雖然次數不頻繁,一周頂多兩次,每次跑步的時候稍稍變化一下路線,真的會有小驚喜出現,就算都跑同一條路,春夏秋冬,晴時多雲,沿途景色也有新面貌。真的,能到處走走,真好


    雪梨 澳洲
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