網路上針對病毒疫情引發的中泰大戰,同樣也出現在中國官方與澳洲媒體的針鋒相對上。中國駐澳洲總領事對於澳洲報紙 The Daily Telegraph在 Coronavirus的報導不滿,發了封措辭嚴厲的信去抗議,結果被專欄作家 Tim Blair一一破解,刊登在 4月 4日的報紙上,標題『Truly Batty Blame Game』
原文網址 https://bit.ly/2RNavbE


斜體字部份是中國總領事的來信,一般文字則是專欄作家 Tim Blair的回應,Tim Blair的言詞犀利,以敢寫敢言著稱。以下就是原文與我的翻譯

The Daily Telegraph this week received a letter from the Australian Consulate General of the People's Republic of China, who took gentle issue with our excellent coverage of the coronavirus crisis.
The Daily Telegraph本週收到中國駐澳洲總領事的來信,對於我們在 Coronavirus的優異報導有些意見

Following is a point-by-point response to the Consulate General and China’s communist dictatorship:

Recently the Daily Telegraph has published a number of reports and opinions about China’s response to COVID-19 that are full of ignorance, prejudice and arrogance.
近日來,the Daily Telegraph一連串關於中國對 COVID-19疫情反應的報導與意見,充滿了無知,偏見與傲慢

If a state-owned newspaper in China received this kind of complaint, subsequent days would involve journalists waking up in prison with their organs harvested.

Tracing the origin of the virus is a scientific issue that requires professional, science-based assessment.

Sure it does. How professional and science-based was the claim published on March 12 by China’s foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian that “it might be US Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan”?

The origin of the virus is still undetermined, and the World Health Organization has named the novel coronavirus “COVID-19”.
病毒的起源還無法確認,WHO把新型困狀病毒命名為 “COVID-19”

The World Health Organisation also appointed Zimbabwean murderer Robert Mugabe as its Goodwill Ambassador and declared on March 2 that the “stigma” of the coronavirus “is more dangerous than the virus itself”.
WHO也曾任命了辛巴威獨裁者 Robert Mugabe為親善大使。在 3月 2日宣稱污名化 coronavirus比病毒本身還可怕

The World Health Organisation does a lot of stupid stuff.

So what is the real motive behind your attempt to repeatedly link the virus to China and even stating that the novel coronavirus was “made in China”?

Our motive is accuracy. That’s why we don’t link the virus to Bognor Regis or state that it was “made in Panama”.
我們的目的是準確性,難不成我們要把病毒跟英國小鎮 Bognor Regis連結在一起,說是巴拿馬製造?

The people of Wuhan made a huge effort and personal sacrifice to stop the spread of the epidemic.

Wuhan’s Dr Li Wenliang indeed made a huge effort to warn people about the coronavirus outbreak. Then, as the New York Times reported: “In early January, he was called in by both medical officials and the police, and forced to sign a statement denouncing his warning as an unfounded and illegal rumor.”

And now he’s dead, so that’s “personal sacrifice” covered as well.

Nevertheless, in order to capture attention and gain more internet hits, you called Wuhan the “Zombieland” and Wuhan seafood market the “bat market”. How low can you go?

In the civilised world, “Bradman bats and bats and bats” is a famous newspaper banner:
在文明國家,“Bradman bats and bats and bats”是知名報紙標題(註一)
In Wuhan, it’s the name of a restaurant.

The effectiveness of China's epidemic prevention and control has fully underlined the people-centred philosophy of the Communist Party of China and the strong advantages of the Chinese system.

In 2018, Amnesty International reported that China executed more citizens than the rest of the world combined. Please tell us more about your “people-centred philosophy” and how many bullets it requires.

Instead of admitting and facing facts, the articles in your newspaper have wantonly attacked and smeared the CPC and the Chinese government with vicious language.

And yet we haven’t been jailed or shot! Where’s the justice in that?

Is your judgement based on the well-being of the people or do you have an ideological prejudice?

We will admit to an ideological prejudice against deadly tyranny. It’s a tragic failing on our part.

Since 3 January, China has been updating the WHO and the international community in a timely and transparent manner.
自從 1月3日,中國已經用即時且透明的方式通報 WHO與國際社會

On January 14, following 11 days of “timely and transparent” updates, the WHO broadcast this ridiculous Chinese misinformation:
1月14日,即時與透明的方法通報後的11天,WHO發布了可笑的中國錯誤資訊 - 中國政府的研究調查指出沒有明確證據武漢發現的新型冠狀病毒會人傳人

The epidemic is spreading rapidly around the globe, and China is doing its utmost to support other severely affected countries.

Thousands of Chinese-made coronavirus testing kits and medical masks exported to Spain, Turkey and the Netherlands turned out to be "below standard or defective”, according to the BBC.

And the ABC this week reported that more than 800,000 masks have been seized by Australian Border Force officers after the masks were “found to be counterfeit or otherwise faulty”.
ABC本週也報導超過 80萬個口罩被澳洲政府攔截,因為被查出是贗品或有缺陷

Thanks for all your help, guys.

Virus respects no borders.

Why, then, did China close its own borders on March 28 – even while claiming victory over the spread of coronavirus?
為什麼?中國不是在 3月28日關閉國界了嗎?而且還宣稱在阻止病毒擴散上贏得重大勝利

You have repeatedly questioned the WHO’s positive assessment of China's epidemic prevention and control, but surely you know that the WHO is the most authoritative international organization in global public health, with more than 190 members including Australia?
你們不斷質疑 WHO對中國阻止與控制疫情擴散的正面評價,但是你們不知道 WHO是全球公共衛生最具權威的組織嗎?有 190個會員國,澳洲也在內

Keep an eye on that number, sunshine.

In disregard of the authoritative information provided by China and the WHO's professional opinions, you instead quoted several so-called “strategic analysts” … Were you aware that the institution where these people work have been exposed as long accepting financial support from the US government … ?
你們不理會中國與 WHO提供的權威性資訊,反而引用所謂策略分析師的資料,你們知道這些組織長期接受美國政府的金援嗎?

The US last year contributed nearly $900 million to the sacred WHO. Your point, sir?
美國政府去年捐了九億美金給 WHO,你的重點是?

Your recent coverage on the epidemic in China are exaggerated, full of irresponsible rumours and highly politicized.

Naughty us. Please send an official Dr Li Wenliang “unfounded and illegal rumour” denunciation statement so we can sign it and be on our way. 對啊,怎樣?麻煩給我們一份正式李文亮醫生"毫無根據,非法謠言"的悔過書,我們會簽了名寄回去

UPDATE. Reader Tim asks:

Please tell me that this response was actually sent back to them.

Even better. It was published on a double-page 6-7 spread in Saturday’s Daily Telegraph:
別擔心,回應會刊登在週六的 Daily Telegraph的第六第七頁

--- 原文翻譯結束 ---

以為這樣就結束了嗎?一個星期以後,中國駐雪梨領事館又投書給 Daily Telegraph,Tim Blair將計就計,依照中國政府的傳統,給這篇投書來個事先審查,不能登的都用黑線劃掉,最後形成這個版本


網路上的版本在這裡  https://bit.ly/2RAK6h1

Sydney Chinese consulate’s article as reviewed by Tim Blair
”The Daily Telegraph on Tuesday received an article submitted by Sydney’s Chinese consulate. In keeping with China’s own media traditions of censorship and concealment, the article was subject to official pre-publication review by TIM BLAIR."
"中國駐雪梨領事星期二(4月14日)投書 Daily Telegraph,依照中國對於媒體審查與隱瞞事實的傳統,該文在刊登前由編輯 Tim Blair審查"


"China should be held "responsible" for the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. These claims are convincing.
Is China to blame for the "original sin" - the outbreak? The answer is known. Wuhan, Hubei Province, that's where the virus originated.
The common enemy of mankind is the World Health Organization.
China take the blame. The first Chinese patient, who started showing symptoms on 1 December 2019, had history of exposure to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan.
Is China responsible for a "cover-up" and "delaying" response to the outbreak? The answer is clear. On 31 December, the expert team from the National Health Commission arrived in Wuhan to conduct a cover-up.
The United States issued a warning about China. In a little over two months, remarkable progress has been made in the massive spread of COVID-19. China is to blame. People knew it was coming and we wasted two months.
China is providing its own epidemic to 127 countries.
Chinese local government, enterprise and non-government organizations have donated medical supplies to more than 100 countries and regions as well we international organizations. China is doing this to divert attention and to pursue geostrategic interests.
China's sole purpose is to stand by and do nothing in the face of the global pandemic.
Test reagents and masks exported from China are "below standard or defective". Of course.
China will continue drumming up various arguments about the virus."

中國應該為 COVID-19的全球疫情負責,怪罪中國?答案大家都知道,病毒起源是湖北武漢,世界衛生組織是全球公敵。
美國發出關於中國的警告,才短短兩個月就造成全球大流行,當然要怪中國,人們知道病毒從哪裡來,可是卻浪費了兩個月,中國把自己的疫情傳播到全世界 127個國家。

--- 翻譯結束

這篇報導造成很大的迴響,以其人之道,還治其人之身,對比這陣子泰國網民大戰中國的許多貼圖,Tim Blair這篇專欄評論,明顯地又是另一個層次。之後也沒看到中國領事館出來抗議,應該是不想在被打臉了吧!

Tim Blair還上了 Sky News的節目,The Kenny Report接受專訪,當然又是酸了中國一頓,他說這次是中國領事幫他寫專欄,他只要劃掉一些內容就好了,就像中國政府每天在對人民做的事。他還說他打電話去中國領事館,居然沒有人接電話。主持人笑他說,他已經被中國 ban了。

Tim Blair的高級酸,真的值得台灣的媒體學起來,或者台灣政府也能試看看。

註一:“Bradman bats and bats and bats”是 1934年 7月21日的報紙頭條,Bradman是澳洲板球傳奇人物,那天他一天打了 304分。Bat是球棒的意思,bats and bats and bats就是得超多分,剛好 Bat也是蝙蝠的意思,就是好多蝙蝠,剛好被 Tim Blair拿來諷刺武漢華南海鮮市場

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